The Government is proposing changes to the NDIS, now is the time to have your say! You can attend one of the public submission forums, fill out a submission form, email with your submission or mail a hard copy of your submission to NDIS Act Review Consultations GPO Box
9820, Canberra, ACT 2610. Don’t miss out, submissions close on 7th of October 2021.
These changes have been spurred from the Tune review, in 2019 an independent review of the NDIS legislation was undertaken by Mr. David Tune, finding that the rollout of the NDIS had not been a smooth ride for all participants. Participants submitted their feedback which ranged from finding the transition to the NDIS confusing and frustrating to NDIA staff not understanding disability or appreciating the challenges people with disability face as a part of everyday life.
Mr. Tune made 29 recommendations to the government, however only 14 have been picked up either fully or partially. The further 15 recommendations are to be considered at a later time, following the implementation of a new assessment model which aids participants in access to the NDIS and planning. Some of the recommendations which the government has picked up were for clear expectations of how long processes take to complete, transparency in how the NDIA makes decisions and clarifying access for people with psychosocial disability.
There’s some more in-depth reading below and remember you can get your support coordinator or a local area coordinator (or anyone you trust) to take you through the legislation so you can be informed as possible on the changes when you have your say.
For more information:
Here’s a summary of Tune’s report, and here’s the full report
The Australian Governments response to the 2019 Tune review
Here’s some information on the NDIS Legislative reforms and some more