Embarking on the journey to secure Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding is a pivotal step for individuals seeking tailored housing solutions within the framework of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). If you find yourself asking, “How do I get SDA funding?” this question marks the beginning of a personalized exploration into the avenues, processes, and support systems available to navigate the intricacies of SDA eligibility. In this guide, we will unravel the essential steps, considerations, and resources that individuals can tap into to unlock the potential for SDA funding!
- Getting Started: Access Request Form and NDIS Plan
Before delving into SDA eligibility, individuals must initiate the process by obtaining an NDIS plan. This involves completing the Access Request Form, a key document assessed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to determine eligibility. The NDIS plan outlines an individual’s goals, aspirations, and required supports to achieve them. Each plan is unique to the participant. Before you complete an Access Request Form, you can check If you’re eligible.
- Access Request Form: A Two-Part Process
The Access Request Form comprises two sections, one completed by the applicant and the other by a Treating Professional, such as a General Practitioner (GP) or Psychologist. Providing evidence of age, residence, and disability is crucial at this stage. Local Area Coordinators (LACs) play a pivotal role in guiding individuals through this process, offering assistance in completing the form and ensuring all necessary information is included.
- Local Area Coordinators (LACs): A Supportive Resource
LACs serve as valuable allies throughout the NDIS journey. Not only can they assist in completing the Access Request Form, but they also provide support in accessing the NDIS and connecting individuals with available supports. Even if an individual is not eligible for an NDIS Support Plan, LACs can still help access other available supports. During your conversation with your LAC you can request a copy of your plan in a variety of accessible formats, including braille or audio.
- Linking SDA Funding to Housing Goals
For those seeking SDA funding, it is imperative to articulate housing goals in the NDIS plan. This ensures that the necessary funding for SDA, including the assistance of a Support Coordinator, is allocated. If overlooked, individuals can request a review of their NDIS plan at any time through an Access Request Form.
- NDIS Assessment and Approval Timeline
Once the NDIS receives the Access Request Form and your treating practitioner’s reports, they assess its validity and completeness. It’s important to note that the NDIS’s decision regarding SDA eligibility is considered a ‘reviewable decision.’ This means that if you believe the decision doesn’t match up, you have the option to request the NDIS to reassess it. The NDIS has 21 days to accept the change of circumstances and a further 28 days to consider the SDA application.
- Myplace Portal: A Hub for NDIS Plans
The myplace portal, connected to your myGov account, becomes the central hub for NDIS plans. Approved plans are accessible through this portal, detailing the allocated SDA funding. With this approval, individuals can begin the search for a suitable SDA home that aligns with their specific needs and preferences. Your NDIS plan can also be mailed to you in your preferred format and language. Myplace is also where you can see messages from the NDIS and share your plan with service providers like carers and other support systems. If your SDA funding is approved, your plan will detail what SDA funding is included and you’re now able to look for a suitable SDA home!
Navigating the eligibility process for Specialist Disability Accommodation involves careful consideration of the NDIS plan, Access Request Form, and the support provided by Local Area Coordinators. Don’t forget you’ll also need reports from your treating practitioners to help with evidence for your SDA claim. We hope you’ve enjoyed our article for “How do I get SDA funding?” and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to peg@sdaaustraliagroup.com.au.
Access Request form: This is the form potential participants complete to apply for the NDIS. The NDIA uses the information provided to assess eligibility.
Local Area Coordinator/LAC: A Local Area Coordinator helps potential participants and others in the community to access supports they need to build the life they want.
Specialist Disability Accommodation/SDA: SDA is a range of housing designed for NDIS participants with accessibility in mind to help residents live more independently, with greater choice and control.
NDIS Plan: A NDIS plan outlines the goals, aspirations and supports a participant requires as well as their funding amount. Everyone has their own unique plan.
Support Coordinator: A support coordinator is the middle person in between a participant and all their other supports. A individual only gets a support coordinator once the funding for it in their NDIS plan is approved. They act as an advisor, crisis resolution, establishing support for the participant and more!